
おなじみの英国Royal InstutionのYouTubeチャンネルにの最新の動画に、How to photograph a black hole – with Ziri Younsiという講演がアップロードされています。https://youtu.be/fGGW-kwc2n0

Some possible inaccuracies in the Interstellar depiction include:

1.Accretion disk brightness: The brightness and distribution of the light surrounding the black hole in Interstellar might be different from what we observed in the M87 black hole image. The accretion disk in the movie is depicted as being quite bright and uniform, while the real image shows an uneven brightness distribution.

2.Warping of light: While Interstellar did an impressive job visualizing the gravitational lensing effect of a black hole, the real image of the M87 black hole showed an even more dramatic warping of light around it. This is due to the immense gravity of the black hole bending the light from the accretion disk.

These discrepancies can be attributed to artistic liberties taken by the filmmakers and the fact that the real image of a black hole was not available during the production of Interstellar. Despite these differences, Interstellar’s Gargantua remains one of the most scientifically accurate representations of a black hole in popular media.