無料で読める英語の数学書や講義資料があつめてあるサイトOpen Math Notesを紹介します。

今日は、英語で無料で読める数学書や講義資料があつめてあるAMSのサイトOpen Math Notesを紹介します。
ASMS はアメリカ数学会American Mathematical Societyの略です。AMSのOpen Math Notesというサイトには無料の英語の数学の教科書や講義資料がいろいろ公開されていて無料でダウンロードできます。





Blue Book of Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers (Natasha Rozhkovskaya, Kansas State University)
In these lectures, we review elementary mathematics within the larger picture of modern mathematics. The main audience of the course are students with prospective careers in elementary school education. The topics include: sets, properties of arithmetic operations, culture of calculations, exponents, decimal and non-decimal base systems, historical numeration systems, GCF(a,b) and LCM(a,b), prime factorization, divisibility tests. Each chapter includes definitions, examples, exercises.

Ordinary Differential Equations: A First Course (Mohammad Niksirat · University of Alberta · Date posted: November 14, 2021 · Date revised: December 26, 2021 )This volume is an elementary textbook on ordinary differential equations that most students in science and engineering faculties take in their second year. All topics in this book are organized into chapters, sections, and subsections. There is at least one solved example for each subject in the book, and most of them are accompanied by graphs and drawing to illustrate the main point visually. The book is self-contained. The appendix chapter summarizes the essential pre-requisite for the course.
