
“Six textbook mistakes in data analysis”
Authors: Alexandros Gezerlis, Martin Williams
Abstract: This article discusses a number of incorrect statements appearing in textbooks on data analysis, machine learning, or computational methods; the common theme in all these cases is the relevance and application of statistics to the study of scientific or engineering data; these mistakes are also quite prevalent in the research literature. Crucially, we do not address errors made by an individual au… ▽ More
このプレプリントはJournal ref: Eur. Phys. J. Plus 138, 19 (2023) に査読が終わって掲載されているようです。

著者は計算物理の教科書 Numerical methods in physics with Python (ケンブリッジ大学出版会)を書いている人です。
2020年の本ですが、今年2023年に第二版がCambridge University Pressからでるそうです。

“Six textbook mistakes in computational physics”
Authors: Alexandros Gezerlis, Martin Williams
Abstract: This article discusses several erroneous claims which appear in textbooks on numerical methods and computational physics. These are not typos or mistakes an individual author has made, but widespread misconceptions. In an attempt to stop these issues from further propagating, we discuss them here, along with some background comments. In each case, we also provide a correction, which is aimed at su… ▽ More
このプレプリントはAm. J. Phys. 89, 51 (2021) に査読済み論文として掲載されています。