
今日はThe 24th Collegium for Comparative Glycomics(毎年開催されている比較グライコーム研究会の国際的な新しい名称です)にオンラインで参加しました。興味深い講演ばかりでしたが、長崎国際大学の藤井 佑樹先生のお話のなかにブリコラージュ bricolageという言葉が紹介されたので、皆さんにも紹介しておこうと思います。これはノーベル賞を授賞したFrançois Jacob( フランソワ ジャコブ)が進化の機構として紹介した概念です。藤井先生によると、Jacobの本  The possible and the actualにのっているとのことで、さっそくInternet archiveで探してみました。貸出可能な本でこちらから借りられます。https://archive.org/details/possibleactual00fran
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In contrast to the engineer, evolution does not produce innovations from scratch. It works on what already exists, either transforming a system to give it a new function or combining several systems to produce a more complex one. Natural selection has no analogy with any aspect of human behavior. If one wanted to use a comparison, however, one would have to say that this process resembles not engineering but tinkering, bricolage we say in French. While the engineer’s work relies on his having the raw materials and the tools that exactly fit his project, the tinkerer manages with odds and ends. Often without even knowing what he is going to produce, he uses whatever he finds around him, old cardboards, pieces of string, fragments of wood or metal, to make some kind of workable object. As pointed out by Claude Levi-Strauss, none of the materials at the tinkerer’s disposal has a precise and definite function. Each can be used in different ways. What the tinkerer ultimately produces is often related to no special project. It merely results from a series of contingent events, from all the opportunities he has had to enrich his stock with leftovers. In contrast with the engineer’s tools, those of the tinkerer cannot be defined by a project. What can be said about any of these objects is just that “it could be of some use.” For what? That depends on the circumstances.


Jacobのインタビューでbricolageに触れているYouTube番組はこちらです。英語字幕付きです。https://youtu.be/P5TNjLzy6QI ホメオティック遺伝子とブリコラージュというフランス語のインタビューです。

このサイトWeb of Stories – Life Stories of Remarkable Peopleには有名な科学者のインタビューがいろいろあります。